
Los Angeles Community Hospitals Rebuild the Patient Experience
Stakeholders have long advocated for Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) to improve the Hospital Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and System (HCAHPS) survey by changing its response format and fine-tuning the measures included. With the changes in HCAPS, a whole body of evidence-based best practices has emerged, allowing Los Angeles Community Hospitals to be able to identify issues needing improvement.

2nd Annual Dia De Los Muertos Celebration of Life
Los Angeles Community Hospitals are dedicated to serving and supporting the communities they serve. To honor their rich cultural heritages, Los Angeles Community Hospitals (Los Angeles, Norwalk, and Bellflower) are hosting the 2nd Annual Día De Los Muertos Celebration of Life event on Wednesday, Nov 1, 2023.

It's National Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Have You Scheduled Your Exam?
October is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Regular breast exams and mammograms are the best tools for early detection, which increases survival.

Prospect Medical Offers Highly Competitive Hiring Incentives to Recruit Nursing Staff and Clinical Specialists to Its 7-Hospital Network in Los Angeles and Orange Counties
Prospect Medical is offering highly competitive hiring incentives to recruit registered nurses, licensed vocational nurses, certified nursing assistants, clinical laboratory scientists, respiratory therapists, occupational therapists and physical therapists to its comprehensive network of five acute care hospitals and two behavioral health hospitals in Los Angeles and Orange Counties.

Valentine’s Day Brought Puppy Love to LACH
Los Angeles Community Hospital at Los Angeles and Norwalk Community Hospital held Puppy Love Fest events for both staff and patients on Valentine’s Day.

February is National Heart Month – Keep Your Heart Healthy
Take control of your mental and physical well-being to ensure a happier, healthier and longer life.

Los Angeles Community Hospitals Using Interpretation Devices to Improve Safety for Non-English-Speaking Patients
Los Angeles Community Hospitals have deployed new interpretation devices in order to support patients with limited English proficiency, and to improve patient safety and experience.

Los Angeles Community Hospital Hosts Holiday Gathering for Kindergarten Class
Los Angeles Community Hospital at Los Angeles Hosts Holiday Gathering for Kindergarten Class

Holiday Boutique at Los Angeles Community Hospital
Los Angeles Community Hospital wanted to make it extra special for its employees during the holiday season so they hosted the Second Annual LA Holdiay Boutique.

LA Community Hospitals Celebrate Día De Los Muertos on Nov. 1
Los Angeles Community Hospitals are dedicated to serving and supporting the rich cultural heritages of the communities they serve. To this end, the three hospitals located in East LA, Norwalk and Bellflower have joined together to host a Día De Los Muertos remembrance on Nov. 1, 2022, to celebrate and pay respect to family, friends and other loved ones who have passed.

Sepsis: A Little Known Life-Threatening Diagnosis
Sepsis is the body’s overwhelming and life-threatening response to infection that can lead to tissue damage, organ failure, and death. In other words, it’s your body’s overactive and toxic response to an infection.

Los Angeles Community Hospital’s Antimicrobial Stewardship Program to be Highlighted at National Summit
The antimicrobial stewardship program (ASP) at Alta Hospitals (Southern California Hospitals at Culver City, Hollywood and Van Nuys; Los Angeles Community Hospitals at LA, Norwalk and Bellflower; and Foothill Regional Medical Center) will be highlighted at the 2022 Vizient Connections Summit this month. Vizient is a community hospital healthcare improvement company.

Los Angeles Community Hospital Receives 4 Stars in CMS’s Overall Hospital Quality Star Ratings
Los Angeles Community Hospital reported receiving 4 stars in Overall Hospital Quality Star Ratings given by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) for the 2022 reporting period. “We have invested a great deal of time, effort, and money into providing quality of care and patient safety at our hospitals and these results are not only an affirmation of that commitment, they are also a well-deserved recognition of the hard work, skill, and dedication of our physicians, nurses, and support staff,” said Los Angeles Community Hospitals CEO Hector Hernandez.

Los Angeles Community Hospitals Welcome New Chief Nursing Officer
Tony Desai, RN, has accepted the position of chief nursing officer for Los Angeles Community Hospitals at Los Angeles, Norwalk, and Bellflower.

6 Tips for a Healthy East Los Angeles Summer
Follow these six tips to help prevent chronic disease and have a healthy summer: move more, wear sunscreen, keep cool, eat healthy, drink wisely and don’t use tobacco. Learn more details from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Los Angeles Community Hospitals Recognized for Fighting Flu
Los Angeles Community Hospitals at Los Angeles, Norwalk and Bellflower were honored by the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health for their outstanding accomplishment achieving above 90 percent of employees vaccinated for the flu. Of the Los Angeles County hospitals, Los Angeles Community Hospitals ranked 12th out of 91 hospitals for the 2020 census. Los Angeles Community Hospital achieved 94 percent and Norwalk Community Hospital 93 percent.

Staying Ahead of Emergencies and Pandemics
In an emergency, hospitals need to maintain operations and keep patients and staff safe. Ensuring that the six Prospect Medical hospitals in Los Angeles are prepared is Stephen Cuthbertson, regional director of Environmental Health and Safety and Regional Safety Officer for the Los Angeles Community Hospitals in LA, Norwalk and Bellflower, and Southern California Hospitals at Hollywood, Culver City and Van Nuys.

LA Community Hospital Staff Receive Pet Therapy
As a kickoff to Stress Awareness Month (recognized every April since 1992) Los Angeles Community Hospital celebrated National Puppy Day on March 23. Numerous studies show pets are not only good for our minds but also good for our bodies. Spending time around animals can be beneficial to your well-being.

Wound Care Advancements at Los Angeles Community Hospitals Benefit Patients
Wound care is vital to quality patient care to prevent infection, improve healing and to reduce the incidence of readmission. Leading the charge to improve wound care and staff education at the three Los Angeles Community Hospitals is Francisco “Echo” Lozada, RN.

Employee Education Experience Enhanced through Education and Creativity of Lexter Mendoza
Los Angeles Community Hospital has made staff education a top priority in its ongoing commitment to quality patient care. Lexter Medoza helps to lead that charge with both employee and nursing orientation and add his own flare with his talent as a painter and illustrator.

Valentine’s Day is Great Time to Focus on Heart Health
Valentine’s Day is a great day to think about your heart health and making this year a life-changing year for you and your heart. If you have children, keep in mind that diet and exercise habits started in childhood can start a lifetime of heart health. For adults, the CDC’s Division for Heart Disease and Stroke Prevention is shining a light on hypertension (high blood pressure), a leading risk factor for heart disease and stroke. The division is committed to addressing barriers to health equity in communities disproportionately affected by cardiovascular disease.

American Heart Month Facts, Tips and Inspiration to Improve Your Heart Health
Did you know that people who have close relationships at home, work, or in their community tend to be healthier and live longer? One reason, according to the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI), is that we’re more successful at meeting our health goals when we work on them with others. NHLBI launched the #OurHearts movement to inspire us to protect and strengthen our hearts with the support of others. This article has facts, how-to tips, and resources to inspire you to join with others, even if you can’t be physically together, to improve your heart health.

Chaplain and Spiritual Care Services Create a Healthy Difference at LA Community Hospital
To meet the needs of both patients, families and staff, Los Angeles Community Hospital encourages the use of its chaplain and spiritual care program. “We strive to improve both the physical and mental health of those we serve, including patients and employees,” said Keith Levy, hospital administrator. “Nurses are very appreciative of the chaplain services and often ask for prayer.” Respecting all religious and spiritual preferences, its trained ecumenical Rabbi Steven Rosenberg is committed to offering a comforting presence in times of distress, as the hospital’s chaplain.

3 Tips for Achieving New Year’s Resolutions
To be successful in achieving New Year’s resolutions is to determine what motivates you, which differs from person to person. For example, did you complete a marathon because you had a spouse or training partner depending on you? Or did you launch that business because you wanted to prove others wrong? It’s all about making your resolutions—be they health, financial, educational or relational—a priority, and then taking action that aligns with your daily habits and schedules.

5 Tips for a Healthier Holiday Season to Avoid Weight Gain and Stress
From Thanksgiving through New Year’s, the holiday season is month-long food marathon. Sure, we visit with family and friends, but what do we do there? EAT! These subtle tricks and tips help avoid the temptation to overindulge this holiday season.

10 Unexpected Reasons for Fatigue
Life can be quite hectic. When 24 hours isn’t enough time to complete the day’s tasks it makes sense that fatigue sets it. But if you feel like you’re doing everything right and getting seven to nine hours of sleep each night and still feel tired, there might be something else to blame. The feeling of fatigue could be a symptom of anything from poor diet to a gut infection that you may not be aware of.

Safety Tips During Summer Sun Safety Month
Summer is a great time to get outdoors and enjoy being with friends and family. From swimming to boating to picnics in the park, it’s a time for fun in the sun. But with more time outside and around water, there are some important things to be mindful of to keep you and your family healthy and safe. Take the quiz!

Managing Your Weight with Intermittent Fasting and Time Restricted Eating
Intermittent fasting and time restricted eating are techniques to help people lose weight, improve their overall health, and some say simplify their lifestyles. Intermittent fasting (sometimes referred to as IF) and time restricted eating (sometimes referred to as TRE) are becoming increasingly popular so you are likely to hear about them more and more.

Sweet Treats to Beat the Heat
Summer is here and the temperatures are rising. As the days get hotter, cooking is less appealing than binging on ice cream or a cold berry mojito. But have no fear. Here are some healthier recipes for cold treats and snacks that can satisfy your sweet tooth.

Anthem Blue Cross Contract Renewed
Our hospital is pleased to announce that its contract negotiation with Anthem Blue Cross has been completed. Effective June 1, 2021, our hospital contract will renew on a multiple-year term. Both parties are satisfied with the outcome which resulted in a fair and sustainable contractual language and rate term agreement going forward.

Celebrating our EMS Heroes
Over the last year, the pandemic has given people a small glimpse of the vital role of EMS professionals. The sacrifice and dedication of EMTs, paramedics and other EMS practitioners has rightfully earned them admiration and gratitude in their communities. Calling us heroes sometimes obscures the fact that—behind those masks—are people who, every day, take on many crucial roles: Healthcare professional. Emergency manager. Social worker. Crisis counselor. Consoler. Caregiver. This week, we celebrate our EMS colleagues.

Recognizing our Healthcare Heroes during National Hospital Week
National Hospital Week (May 9-15) provides an opportunity to look back at the past year and appreciate the pivotal importance hospitals play in our communities. It’s also a time to reflect on the invaluable role Los Angeles Community Hospital caregivers and employees fill within our hospital, and the sacrifices you make every day to deliver care to those who need it. This year, National Hospital Week theme is inspiring Hope Through Healing. Today, we celebrate the many ways you do just that by providing quality healthcare with compassion, commitment and resilience.

Celebrating National Nurses Week at Los Angeles
During National Nurses Week (May 6-12), we salute our nurses for their service to our community 365 days a year. Our nurses are to be applauded for their innumerable contributions to the care of our patients in East Los Angeles. While we have always had deep appreciation for the profession of nursing, during this past year they have truly inspired us.
Our nurses have demonstrated tremendous commitment and resilience. We know it has not been easy. We realize not all of our facilities could participate in last year’s Nurses Week due to the pandemic, so this year provides an opportunity to doubly express our gratitude. We thank them for facing the many challenges and long hours stemming from this public health crisis with extraordinary courage.

Donation to Skate-4-Education Helps Kids in Los Angeles
Two Los Angeles Community Hospitals’ leaders tried out their skateboard skills with the Urban Warehouse and Garage Board Shop kids when the hospital donated $1,500 to the non-profit organization. The Garage Board Shop serves the inner-city youth of Los Angeles, providing them with encouragement and motivation to enhance their education.
"We are thankful for the great donation to our program,” said Jerry Carerra, Garage Board Shop program. “Many of our participants come from low-income families or from the foster care system with minimum guidance. By keeping them off the streets and engaged it helps them redirect their energy.”

Don't Put Your Health on Hold
Our hospital has implemented extra safety precautions for more than one year now to ensure you remain safe while seeking vital medical care. Delaying important screenings and treatment for chronic conditions can be dangerous and may lead to worsening conditions. Follow these four tips to get the treatment you need:

Congratulations to Our Chief Nursing Officer for Achieving Florence Nightingale Award
Carmelo James, chief nursing officer of Los Angeles Community Hospitals at LA, Norwalk and Bellflower, received the Florence Nightingale Award for Nursing Leadership from the Career Networks Institute College of Nursing. CNI awards hospital CEOs, CNOs, directors and managers for their exemplary work in the healthcare field. He was honored for his role in leading the team to national clinical excellence, including Healthgrades’ Pulmonary Care Excellence Award and Five-Star Recipients for Heart Attack, Sepsis, Hip Fracture, GI Bleed and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease.

Why Our Employees Choose to Get Vaccinated
With the development of COVID-19 vaccines, healthcare staffs are among the first to receive the vaccines, thereby protecting themselves, patients, communities, and their loved ones. In this video, our caregivers share reasons they chose to get the vaccine, and why they're encouraging colleagues and others to do the same.

American Heart Month: 6 Heart-Smart Eating Tips
February is American Heart Month and knowing which foods to eat more of and which foods to limit is a powerful way to prevent heart disease and improve your overall health. Use the steps below to work toward a more heart-healthy diet. Here are 6 easy ways to eat smart for your heart.

3 Ways to Burn More Calories than You’re Eating
Burning more calories than you eat in a day is referred to as a “calorie deficit” and is the basis of many weight-loss equations. The idea is daily calories in minus daily calories out = caloric deficit.
The first thing you need to understand is that one pound of fat is made of about 3,500 of extra calories. To lose one pound of fat, you need to create a caloric deficit of 3,500 calories. For example, if you wanted to lose one pound a week divide 3,500 calories by seven to get 500; that means negative 500 calories a day overall.

Linkin Park Donates Holiday Gift Bags to Our Staff to Honor their COVID Care
Just before Christmas, Linkin Park reached out to Los Angeles Community Hospital with holiday gift bags for our nursing staff. The band is inspired to serve its community that touches the lives of the underserved. The bags included a gift card, cookies from Homeboy Industries, the world's largest gang rehabilitation and re-entry program, and a personal note from Linkin Park. In addition, EverBrands donated 100,000 hand sanitizers.

Santa’s Care Coordinators Bring Holiday Cheer to Local Seniors
Santa and his elves left the cold of the north pole for sunny Southern California to partner with our hospital’s care coordinators for a drive-through Christmas. The team passed out Christmas bags filled with blankets, socks, slippers, robes and pajamas to more than 50 nursing homes, assisted living and board-and-care facilities, along with scrumptious to-go lunches. The decorated tunnel drive-through event was held at Bellflower Behavioral Health Hospital.

Drive-Through Flu Clinic
Los Angeles Community Hospital hosted a drive-through community flu clinic Friday, Nov 6. from the safety of the hospital parking garage. Nurses were on site and the flu shots administered by nursing students from Compton College of Nursing. Those that received the flu shots loved how safe and quick the process was and that they did not have to get out of their cars.

Prospect Medical Holdings Relies on Founding Principles in Responding to COVID-19
The unprecedented COVID-19 pandemic impacted virtually every healthcare organization in the world. Prospect Medical Holdings, which operates 17 hospitals in five states—including Los Angeles Community Hospitals in LA and Norwalk—as well as 165 outpatient centers and 28 medical groups, found its hospitals at the center of the crisis.
A growing national healthcare system, Prospect quickly leaned on its core values amid the crisis and took decisive action to help mitigate the impact on its communities, facilities, staff, and patients. To do that, Prospect relied on the same grit, determination, and vision that guided its actions during its origin.

“Million Face Masks for Greater Los Angeles” Donate to Los Angeles Community Hospitals
The Taiwanese Chamber of Commerce (TACCLA) as part of its “Million Face Masks for Greater Los Angeles” donated 50,000 face masks to Los Angeles Community Hospitals. “We are thrilled to be one of the recipients of this generous donation of masks,” said Keith Levy, Los Angeles Community Hospital administrator. “Donations like these make a huge difference.”

Fashion Designer Donates Masks to Los Angeles Community Hospitals
Over the last several months, Ari Jogiel, founder and CEO of fashion brand Ari Jogiel, has provided Los Angeles Community Hospital with more than 4,800 masks for its front-line staff, and generously provided enough masks to send dozens to all of the system’s local hospitals in LA.

3 Ways to Burn More Calories than You’re Eating
If you’re a victim of the Quarantine-15 weight gain, a combination of eating fewer calories and exercising to burn more calories is the most effective way to lose weight and keep it off. Here are three tips on how to burn more calories than you're eating.

LA Community Nurse Featured In LA Times Frontline Staff Article
Registered Nurse Tiffany W. was featured in an Los Angeles Times profile on frontline staff who made a difference during the COVID-19 pandemic. She and her family donated more than 8,000 masks to supplement the supply at her hospital, Los Angeles Community Hospital.

CEO Diagnosed with COVID-19 Understands the Virus from Patient's Perspective
Being diagnosed with COVID-19 gave CEO Hector Hernandez a better perspective on health and his extraordinary staff.

Recognizing Our Heroes on the Front Line of Pandemic
Prospect Medical clinical leaders across the nation have stories of sacrifice, encouragement and thanks from the front lines of care during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.

Saluting Nurses During National Nurses Week
Every year, we celebrate National Nurses Week. This year, at this exceptional time, our Prospect Medical nurses’ sacrifices, dedication, and compassion have an even deeper meaning. I thank all our nurses for the tremendous work they do every day to care for our patients, especially during this pandemic.

8,000 Face Masks Donated to Los Angeles Community Hospital to Support Front-line Staff
Los Angeles Community Hospital welcomed the donation of 8,000 face masks to keep front-line staff and their patients safe during the COVID-19 pandemic.

LA Millennial Who Beat COVID-19 Advises Young People to Take Pandemic Seriously
Jennifer Martinez, a 25-year-old Los Angeles resident, warned other millennials that the pandemic is real. She almost died as a result of the virus, but is alive today and warning other young people to pay attention to social distancing and health guidelines to save themselves from an extremely unpleasant ordeal.
Watch Video

COVID-19 Community Donations Lift the Strain at Los Angeles Community Hospital
Coronavirus puts significant strain on hospitals, but some of that burden has been lifted at Los Angeles Community Hospital. The hospital has been the recipient of dozens of donations to both the hospital and to its nurses and staff working during the crisis.

Los Angeles Community Hospitals' Emplyees Donate Food and Supplies to Residential Care and Assisted Living Residents
Employees of Los Angeles Community Hospitals are giving back to the communities during the COVID-19 crisis, delivering bags of food and supplies to the 300 residential care and assisted living facilities. These facilities are vulnerable to shortages of food and household supplies due supply chain challenges and quantity restrictions at grocery stores.

National Doctors’ Day - Thanking Those on the Frontlines of the Pandemic
March 30 is National Doctors’ Day across our nation. Many of our physicians are on the frontline of the COVID-19 crisis, so today we recognize our talented and committed doctors. Regardless of their specialty, the COVID-19 pandemic brings unique challenges to our doctors requiring sacrifice, dedication and compassion.

Prospect Medical CEO’s Message to Our Employees and Patients
Prospect Medical leaders at every level of our organization, clinical and non-clinical alike, are working around the clock to be responsive and proactive in the fight to identify and treat those infected by the virus, and protect those who are not from the threat. Teams are meeting several times a day to assess the evolving situation, particularly its impacts on our employees and providers, patients and their families, hospitals and other facilities, communities, and those we are proud to serve.

Los Angeles Community Hospital Launches Journey to Become a High Reliability Organization
Patient safety is a top priority at Los Angeles Community Hospital, which is why the hospital leadership is committed to becoming a High Reliability Organization (HRO).

5 Ways to Improve Your Heart Health
To mark American Heart Month, NHLBI, one of the National Institutes of Health, is inviting people across the country to team up and join #OurHearts, a national heart health initiative that encourages people to improve heart health together.

6 Ways to Lower Your Blood Pressure with Exercise
Maintaining healthy blood pressure is a critical part of maintaining general health. Blood pressure is the force blood exerts against the walls of your arteries. This force is primarily a function of how hard your heart is pumping and how much resistance to that blood flow your arteries are exerting. Resistance can come from the narrowing of arteries as we age or as a function of poor diet, inflammation, and other factors.

Heart Disease is Leading Cause of Death for Hispanics/Latinos in U.S.
February is American Heart Month! Did you know that people who have close relationships at home, work, or in their community tend to be healthier and live longer? One reason, according to the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI), is that we’re more successful at meeting our health goals when we join forces with others. NHLBI launched the #OurHearts movement to inspire us to protect and strengthen our hearts with the support of others in the Hispanic/Latino communities.

5 Tips to Create a Heart-Healthy Grocery List
Sometimes grocery shopping can be a dangerous task. We tend to go to the grocery store when we are hungry, ready to scoop up all the delicious-looking, ready-made food or sweets from the bakery.
Next time the sensation to grab the first box of cookies you see takes over, think about your heart! Did you know that each year about 800,000 people die from heart disease? It’s up to you to keep your heart healthy, and you can start by making sure your fridge and pantry are stocked with heart-healthy foods.

Go Red for Women is Life-Changing Information
Heart disease is the No. 1 killer of women in the United States. Despite increases in awareness over the past decades, only about half (56%) of women recognize that heart disease is the No. 1 killer, according to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC). Many believe it’s cancer, yet heart disease kills more women than all forms of cancer combined.
For this reason, The American Heart Association created the Go Red for Women awareness campaign. The campaign is designed to increase women’s heart health awareness and serve as a catalyst for change to improve the lives of women.

Make 4 Lifestyle Changes During American Heart Month
Heart disease is the No. 1 killer of both women and men. Every year, 1 in 4 deaths are caused by heart disease.
The good news is that healthy choices can help manage or prevent heart disease. Many of us set up a New Year’s Resolutions in January related to lifestyle improvements, such as eating healthier, exercising more, and reducing stress. These lifestyle changes not only help you, but creates a framework that your children will take into adulthood. February Heart Month provides another opportunity to keep those positive lifestyle changes.

East Los Angeles Goes Red in February
There is a reason that National Heart Month falls in February—the same month that Valentine’s Day is celebrated. As Valentine’s Day is all about the heart, this is a good match. Heart disease is the leading cause of death for both American men and women; almost one in every four deaths in the United States is caused by heart disease. African-American men are especially susceptible.

7 Ways to Eat Smart for Your Heart
Knowing which foods to eat more of and which foods to limit is a powerful way to prevent heart disease and improve your overall health. Use the steps below to work toward a more heart-healthy diet. Here are 6 easy ways to eat smart for your heart.

New Year’s Gym Resolution: Navigation Tips for Long-Term Success
You just joined a gym as part of your New Year’s Resolution to get into shape, and maybe feel a little intimidated by the whole new environment. Congratulations on taking the first step toward fitness. You may feel confused and conspicuous the first few times you walk in the gym. However, the best place to begin is with the new member orientation.

New Year’s Resolution: 5 Hacks to Meet 10,000 Steps a Day Goal
It’s official! You’re the proud owner of shiny new fitness tracker as part of your New Year’s Resolution to walk 10,000 steps a day. Sure, you can hit that number when it’s gym day, but it can be a bit more difficult on your off days. This hurdle can be overcome by making a few little changes in your daily routine.

Signs Your Backache is More Than Just Pain
Does your back give you pain? Well, you are not alone. About 31 million Americans experience low back pain at any given time. So, when should you be concerned that your back pain is too severe to cope with on your own? Read on to see if surgery or other interventions are right for you.

New Year’s Resolutions: 6 Tips to Blunt Unhealthy Food Cravings
For many people looking to lose weight in 2020 or maintain current weigh, the greatest nemesis is food cravings. The seemingly insurmountable desire for something very specific (and usually very unhealthy) is more than normal hunger. Some research shows that these strong yearnings are linked to habits, hormones, and emotions.
Cravings differ from person to person, but the foods that usually cause us to blow are clean eating habits are processed and full of salt, chemicals, fat, and sugar. It’s because of these cravings that many of us struggle with losing weight and keeping it off.

13 Ways to Prevent Type 2 Diabetes
Type 2 diabetes is a chronic disease that affects millions of people worldwide. Uncontrolled cases can cause blindness, kidney failure, heart disease and other serious conditions.
Before diabetes is diagnosed, there is a period where blood sugar levels are high but not high enough to be diagnosed as diabetes. This is known as prediabetes.
It's estimated that up to 70% of people with prediabetes go on to develop type 2 diabetes. Fortunately, progressing from prediabetes to diabetes isn't inevitable.

What to Expect During Your Annual Physical
It's time again for your annual checkup. What your doctor does during your yearly exam will vary to some degree based on your age, changes in your health, and other variables. Different doctors may also check different things simply because exam protocols vary. Also, if there is something specific you need to have examined, it could require a specialist to diagnose the problem properly.
Here are things most people can expect during their annual physical.

4 Tips to Better Manage Your Diabetes
Diabetes is a disease where the bodies ability to respond to the hormone insulin is no longer working properly. The bodies inability to properly respond to insulin results in excess sugar being in the blood and urine. This excess sugar can damage vital organs such as the kidneys, eyes, and other parts of the body.

Rams Cheerleaders Cheer Up Los Angeles Community Hospital Patients
Los Angeles Rams cheerleaders brightened the day of Los Angeles Community Hospital subacute patients on Tuesday, Oct 15.

LA Community Hospital Offering Free Flu Shots to Seniors on Oct. 29
Los Angeles Community Hospital is offering free flu shots for senior citizens on Tuesday, Oct. 29, from 3-8 p.m. on the hospital campus at 4081 E. Olympic Blvd. Free onsite parking is available.

Tips for Avoiding Cold and Flu Season
While Southern California winters are more mild than in most other parts of the country, it still marks the beginning of the cold and flu season. Instead of just waiting around hoping you won’t catch anything, why not take a proactive approach?

National Study: Norwalk and Los Angeles Community Hospitals Receive National Recognition in Key Quality Procedures
Los Angeles Community Hospitals at Los Angeles and Norwalk were recognized with five stars—the highest rating—in nine clinical areas for 2019, according to Healthgrades.

8 Ways Pets are Good for Your Health
Whether it’s a cat, dog, horse or iguana, pets can improve your overall health and happiness.

Summer Safety Tips for LA Residents
Summer is the time of year everyone seems to look forward to! School is out, and family time is planned and enjoyed. However, summer creates a set of dangers and issues we should all be aware of and prepare for.

Tips to Prevent Spring Allergies
Ah yes, spring is in the air—along with all the sneeze-inducing pollen! Seasonal allergies are extremely common, but no need to suffer this year. Numerous strategies can help reduce or prevent your symptoms before they start.

Health Transformation: How to Know When You’re Ready
Many of us want to lose weight and many of us want to be healthier. Many of us want to change aspects of our lives or substantial parts of our lives that we don’t feel are serving us well. And many of us just can’t seem to make that change happen.

Los Angeles Community Hospital’s Subacute Unit Receives 5-Star Rating from Federal Agency
The Los Angeles Community Hospital’s subacute unit has been awarded an above-average rating of five stars by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS).

Los Angeles Community Hospitals Donate to Local Community Organizations
The Los Angeles Community Hospital, Norwalk Community Hospital and Los Angeles Community Hospital at Bellflower, each gave back to their community with an annual donation.

Los Angeles Community Hospital Hosts East LA Kindergartners with Annual Holiday Party with Santa, Presents and Treats
Los Angeles Community Hospital officially kicked off the season of giving by hosting a Christmas party for one of the Eastman Avenue Elementary School kindergarten classes, which included a visit by Santa Claus himself.